Part of
Advanced AR
Designing AR Workflows
Webinar 1
The Workshop will be organized as an open webinar.
Time: May 7, 2020 12:00 PM CET/ 11:00 AM GMT
Link: A simple registration is required at so that we can send you the link to join the webinar.
Webinar 2
In this webinar, we will continue designing AR workflows. This webinar is the second part of the workshop. However, new participants can also join. We recommend watching the introductory video below.
Time: May 22, 2020 13:00 CEST/ 12:00 AM GMT
Link: A simple registration is required at so that we can send you the link to join the webinar.
This workshop instructs about the workflows used in creating Augmented Reality apps. The participants will learn how to work across mediums and realities in the process of expressing a story or creating an experience. The workshop will help the participants to create a more coherent encompassing design and production workflow for AR.
The video below provides more details about the workshop.
Define XR Experience Response
Part 1: Creating TSF Inputs
- REALITY list: Choose the realities they want to create an experience in. ER, IR, CR, GR, 3D Print, AR, VR, HR
- SENSORY CHANNEL: Sensors/senses/perceptions by which the Reality will be engaged with, exchanged with and experienced? Visual, Auditory, Haptic, Heart Rate, Mood, Weather, FX rates?
- UX/UI list: For each Sense of each Reality what interface? Passive, Active, Interactive, Responsive, Shared?
Part 2: Creating TSF Grids
Map REALITY list and SENSORY CHANNELS onto Grids to see where they meet. Check these have UI/UX elements, if not add them. Check this aligns with Experience Response.
Part 3: Creating TSF Workflow
List Assets needed, Software/Hardware required, Techniques utilised, People Roles/Schedules
Part 4: SharingTSF Workflow
- Team shares workflow with another Team.
- Team Listens to other Team's workflow.
- Teams compare and feedback on workflows.
Part 5: Closing comments
Miscellaneous Reflections and Any other business.